We had a recent sudden tragedy in the family which has deeply affected my husband’ state of mind. I know what pain he is going through as I have already undergone it 2 years ago. My pain was something like an inner fight and I read on different subject about life and death to bring peace to myself. It’s everyone’s journey and we take our own time to come out of it. After much of efforts, I could resort to the idea that I was still connected to my mother. It’s an eternal bond. Never been dramatic about it. My love for her doesn’t change whatsoever. Now after two years, I have come to a blissful understanding that life is eternal. It can’t stop by death. What is worldly death is actually a submersion with the God. It provides peace and eternal happiness to the soul.

Our Soul is our reality and the journey on earth decides what kind of life we are born with in our next existence.