Of recently I have been caught in a squirming trap and makes me hard to share any interests with astrological predictions. This,I say with assurity assuming that not many of you out there would be interested in. How can I be sure of that becomes easy when I am cent percent aware of the fact that you have already checked your horoscopes. 

I feel pathetic about the gullibility of the masses who resort to such astrological crutches in order to hide their own Incapabilities to handle things.  A handful of astrologers know the weakness in character and tend to use it on their stride. They make irresponsible statements without ensuing the actions which have equivalent or opposite reactions.I myself got into the trap but I was lucky to survive that because God is on my side. And… If this is so then ,I am fearless. I should not let myself caught in a trivial mindset. Just trust and live in faith. Whatever has happened is the best and what is happening we have no control over so just relax and watch the stars till they turn to your favour . Remember no human has power to make or break you. Only you have it and everything lies within.